Unmatched Depth and Breadth

Our depth and breadth of expertise is unmatched among Chicago family law firms. Our size enables our attorneys to concentrate on specific practices and tailor our services to match our clients' needs.

Family Law, Matrimonial Law, and Divorce

The terms “Family Law,” “Matrimonial Law,” and “Divorce” are sometimes used interchangeably; however, they are different. Family Law is a broad category that is not necessarily dependent upon a marriage or civil unions.


No matter how thorough the trial preparation and how skilled the Illinois divorce lawyer, at times a party in a high-stakes case is dissatisfied with the results and wants to appeal. Trial judges are not perfect and can make mistakes; at other times, one of the parties refuses to accept the trial court’s final decision.

Child Support

Who has custody of the child or children is an important issue in every case, but just as important is assuring the necessary financial resources to be able to maintain a child’s standard of living now and into the future. The law recognizes this obligation and provides for child support to be paid by one parent to the other.

LGBTQ Representation

Marriages: Thanks to the historic United States Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges decided in 2015 marriage is no longer limited to heterosexuals. This expands the same rights and responsibilities to the LGBTQ community concerning marriage and divorce as those of heterosexual marriage

Collaborative Divorce

Can serious marital conflict be resolved without the time and expense of litigation? Yes—divorce need not be a battleground. The end of a marriage or resolution of family conflict is painful enough.

Parental Responsibilities and Visitation

Children are the precious product of a marriage, so parenting issues are the most emotionally draining issues that arise when marriages fail. Spouses may divorce each other, but they do not divorce their children.

Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection

Addressing the prevention of repeated physical abuse and harassment among family, household members, and disabled adults.

Trial Court Litigation

Helping clients prioritize their goals and assess the best approaches to advance their case and motivate settlement.

Maintenance / Alimony

Providing support to a spouse who is not capable of supporting themselves in the marital lifestyle after the marriage ends.

Marital Settlement Agreements and Separation Agreements

Defining legal obligations and responsibilities between parties who are separating but might still be legally married.


A process where divorcing couples meet with a trained mediator to explore ways to resolve family disputes with a voluntary agreement.

Negotiated Settlements

Promoting negotiated settlements as the best outcome in family law matters, facilitating ongoing interactions post-divorce, especially when children are involved.

Parentage / Paternity Cases

Addressing the rights and responsibilities when children are born outside of marriage.

Post Divorce Disputes

Dealing with enforcement and modifications of divorce judgments and orders.

Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements

Legally binding contracts defining what will happen to the marriage by dissolution or death of one of the parties.

Property Division

Careful study and research are necessary to ensure all property is accounted for during a divorce.

Sports and Entertainment Family Law

Specializing in representing professional athletes, media personalities, and entertainers or their spouses.

Tax and Financial Planning in the Context of Divorce

Considering federal, state, and local taxes in the divorce process.

Looking for a firm that knows Family Law, inside and out? We're ready to listen.